Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Two Weeks Condensed

It's hard to believe that after writing almost daily in this blog that I haven't written anything since Oct. 31st. Looking back on the last two weekends of parties, I see a pattern - my Friday night parties usually suck, my Saturday afternoon parties are pretty good, and my Saturday night parties have been above average. Is this just a coincidence? Unfortunately, this has meant not as much money coming in as I had planned. I'm dealing with that, hopeful that I will have a bunch of really good parties in the next few weeks to make up for it.

There are a lot of new consultants on my team, and at our team meeting last Sunday, it was only new consultants. For one reason of another, the more seasoned consultants could not be there. This was one meeting for which I was fully prepared, but we did wander from the agenda and it did not seem as cohesive as I had planned it to be. In the week before the meeting, I printed out the Online Consultant's Guide and made ten copies, which I put in ring binders, for my downline. The first two or three years I was a consultant, we were given the guide in printed form along with our planners, and I referred to it a lot. It is not as easy to use the online guide, and I wanted my downline to have easy access to all this information. In addition, I made up ten copies of documents about booking parties and hostess coaching, examples of holiday specials, and three large documents from Leslie Zay. Hopefully they will read them and use the information to grow their business. We also decided that we will discuss the consultant's guide at meetings. When I send the Evite for the meeting, I will designate the topics that will be discussed so that everyone can read them ahead of time and note any questions or comments they have.

I have been getting quite a few outside orders and referrals for parties. This is the second stream of income that Tonya Grimes describes. I've had about one order per week for the last several weeks. I am looking forward to when these will be more forthcoming.

Along those lines, I have a friend helping me catch up on entering email addresses so when I send my monthly sale flyer more women will get it. I got two orders from the last sale flyer and would have probably gotten more had it not been a 24-hr. sale. Or maybe not. I will do another one with gift packages next week, this time giving them a little longer to place their order. The reason the other one was for only 24 hours was that it coincided with a half-price, 24-hr. sale that Pure Romance was having.

I'd better stop now - I have hostess packets to compile and send out and hostess coaching calls to make. I have three parties again this weekend - I hope they're good one!

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